Scripps Clinic Card #2
SCRIPPS CLINIC CARD #2.tif SCRIPPS CLINIC. '3> CARD #2 Lot 1- ZA APPROVED request of the SCRIPPS CLINIC & RESEARCH FOUNDATION to construct 1) 95'+ of combination 5' hi retaining wall & 8 1 hi open fence for total wall/fence height of 13' within the 25' rear yard setback where a maximum 5' hi open fence on top of a 5' hi retaining wall is permitted; 2) 73'+ of combination II' hi retaining wall and 8' hi open fence for a total wall/fence height of 19' where fences and walls not located within required yards are permitted to 10 1 max. height; 3) 83 1 of retaining wall varying in height from 13' to 13 1611 where fences and walls located withinrequired yards are permitted to 10 1 max. height; and to maintain 4) 120 1+ of combination 5' hi retaining wall & 8 1 hi open fence for total wall/fence height of 13' within the 25' rear yard setback where a max. 5' hi open fence on top of a 5' hi retaining wall is permitted; 5) 120 1+ of combination retaining wall and open fence with a worst condition of 19' in height where fences & walls not located within required yards are permitted to 10 1 max. height 10666 North Torrey Pines Rd., Zone SR with conds. C-18916 11 /26/85