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Development Services

Scripps Mesa Center # 1 Card 1

SCRIPPS MESA CENTER # 1 CARD 1.tif SCRIPPS MESA CENTER #1 ~ARD #I Lots 1-3- Penni t DENIED to Saratoga Development Corp, OWner and S. S. Kresge Co., Lessee, to erect a 18o sq. ft. double-faced, free-standing sign, 40' high where a max 30' high, 150 sq. ft. sign is perm, 9900 Block Mira Mesa Blvd betw Frontage Road and Scripps RanchBlvd. Zone cA. C-13102 5-28-75'__________________________________________________________________________________ \______ Parcel 3- Scripps Hills, Ltd., constr a corrmerclal bldg on Par must be on same lot as use. at 9969 Mira Mesa Blvd., 3 with access to req pkg Zone CA, Perm It approved to' across Par I where pkg acces\ C-16270 8/3/79 '---- Lot 3- Permit GRANTED to CURRIE/SAMUELSON DEVELOPMENT GROUP, a general partnership, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a Planned Commercial Development,\ located on the east side of 1-15 northwest of the intersection of Treena and Hibert sVreets, Zone CA. PCD #30-095-0 1-12-81 Parcel 2, P.M. 8262, being~ division of Parcel 1 of P.M. 3393, Lot 1, and Portions of Lots 2 and 3, ZA APPROVED request of Currie/Samuelson Deveopment Group, owner; Richard L. Nolan, lessee, for Conditional Use Permit to use westerly 1,800 sq. ft. of Suite B for a small animal hospital, located at 9840 Hibert Street, Suite B-1, CA Zone. Conditions. CUP #18509 7/27/84