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Development Services

Scripps Midlands

SCRIPPS MIDLANDS.tif,~k'l <\-.S ~\. Scripps Midlands Lot 2- SCA APPROVED request by DONALD L. BREN COMPANY to maintain a 7 sq. ft. (1'-0" x 7'-0") sign on existing 5'-0" monument wall, serving as a Community Area Identification Sign for Scripp Townhomes Subdivision- located at 9908 Scripps Vista Way, R-1500 zone w/conditions CUP 20765 5/3/91------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 2- ZA APPROVED to allow SCRIPPS TCWNHQ\1ES CONDCMINIUM ASSOC to maintain a carmunity area identification sign where such signs are permitted by CUP only located at 10090 Scripps Vista Way, Scripps Midlands, R-3000 Zone with conditions: CUP 21184 5-27-94