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Development Services

Scripps Ranch # 1 Card 2

SCRIPPS RANCH # 1 CARD 2.tif $CRIPPS RANCH f 1-Carel #2 Lot 37- Permit DENIED to James w. & Marta J. Barker to erect approx 89 1 of 6 1 hi wood fence obs O' street side yd where max 3' hi fence is perm in 10' req street side yd on Red Rock Dr., at 9995 Ritter Ct., SE intersection w/Red Rock Dr., Zone R-1-5. ~ C-9998 NH 7-16-70-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 3- Permit DENIED to Joseph Robert and Betty Ann Harcly, Jr for perm to erect 15' of 5' high adobe wall with one 5 1 611 high post obs 6"front yarcl, where max 3' wall is perm in req 15' front yarcl at 9972 Cummins Place betw Red Rock Dr and end of cul-de-sac; in the R-1-5 Zone. c-10392 N.H. 3-17-71 E~~~6~a&-~f-~fi~~rl?t-~~aA!~,~r~~ ~~hool, own-&-lmmanuel-Baptist-Church of Mira Mesa, pur- to develop property for church & related facilities at 10805 Red Rock Dr, Zone R-1-5. CONDITIONS Cl3,464 5-21-76 Lot 68- Permit to Penny M. Sepin to erect approx 159' of 5'11" high solid wood fence and 59' of 6 1 high adobe bcbock wall to obs at closest pt a 2 1 611 st sd yd at 10808 Red Rock Dr. in R-1-5 Zone. Conditions. C-14149. 2-15-77.!I)/-{. Lot 22- Agreement to Arthur & Mary Middleton to const fam rm,,addn and add bar sink to exs Jiving room of sfd at 9945 Red Rock Court, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2297. 9-14-77.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 19- Permit to William P. & Rebecca 15'9" rear yard at 9956 Red Rock Court. 11-15-77. M. Turner to const two-st addn to exs sfd, obs R-1-5 Zone. Request DENIED. C-14732.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------