Sea View Heights Block 2 Card 6
SEA VIEW HEIGHTS BLOCK 2 CARD 6.tif S tA VIEW H~ I GHTS ~ ': 1s'L~C K 2. 10 ~, --~ _; &,: n'" Lots 11 & 12- ZA considered request of EDGAR JACK RIDOUT to maintain existing freestanding walls,. retaining walls, & decks as follows: 1) 18 1 of stucco wall ranging from 2'9" to 3 1 Jri in height obs. a 0 1 front yd at the closest point; 2) 54.16 11 of max. 4 6 11 hi retaining wall with 5 1 6 11 of freestanding wall above & 3 1 of glass & wood fence on top (total height 13 1) observing a 4 1 6 11 front yd at the closest poinf, where a 3 1 hi retaining wall wit~ a-3~ bi 50% open fence above is the max. permitted; 3) 98 1_ of 5 1 hi retaining wall ~ith max: 6 1 hi wall above (total height 11 1) observing a 0 1 interior side.yd on the east; 4) 12 1 o! l)laX. 4 1 hi retaining wall with a 2 1 solid wall above and a 4 1 glass & wood fence on top (total height 10') observing a O' interior side yd on the east; 5) 98 1 of 5 1 to 9' hi retaining wall with a 5 1 freestanding wall above (total max. height 14 1) observing a 0 1 interior side yd on the wes.t: 6) 12' of5 1 hi retaining wall with a 5 1 freestanding wall above (total'max. height 14 1)' ;: observing a 0 1 interior side yd on the west; 7)50 1 of max. 5 1 hi retaining wall with 2 1 wall 1 above & 4 1 glass and wood fence on top (max. height 11 1) observing a 3 1 rear yd where a 6 1 retaining wall with a 3 1 hi, 50% open fence above is the max. permitted in the reqd. yd; 8) approx. 540 sq. ft. of deck ranging from 2 1 to 5 1 in height, observing a 3 1 611 rear yd. where a 4 1 rear yd. is reqd; & 9) approx. 393 sq. ft. of deck ranging from 2 1 611 to 5 1 in height, observing a 4 16 11 front yard at the closest point where a 15' front yd is reqd. at 1231 Van Nuys St., Zone Rl-5000 & has made the following decision: APPROVED #1.,3,4,7 & 8, DENIED #2,5,6 & 9 subj to conds, C-18483 3/12/85 APPEALED to BZA on 4/17/85, BZA adopted findings of facts for the approval of items 1,3,4,7 1 & 8 and for the DENIAL OF Items 2 & 9. The BZA however overturned ZA 1 s decision on Items 6, & MODIFIED #5. APPEALED to CITY COUNCIL on 4/17/85, City Council overuled BZAYs decision & APPROVED request Of Edgar Jack Ridout by Peter M. Polischik, Attorney with conds.