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Development Services

Seaman & Choate's Addn Block 291.5

SEAMAN & CHOATE'S ADDN BLOCK 291.5.tif SE!UIAN & CHOATES ADDN BLOCK 291b Lot 48- Council resolves that an auto iJnpom1d yd, located in Ii-1::'.one on the NEly corner of j_;,rd St. &. broad.~t. by Jar;tes T. Beamon, is sir,J_lar to and not more obnoxious or detri- 1;,er,tal to th8 welfare oi' the coLrnu.n.1.ty than otwclr b;;.s perm in:-ect. 101.u4J7 S.D. isun Coci.e . s.t 905 S;,Jrd St. CC ales. iio, 1810_;,6 6-lb-64