Seaman & Choate's Addn Block 56
SEAMAN & CHOATE'S ADDN BLOCK 56.tif SEAMAN &: CHOATES AOl)tl) BLOCK 56 Lots 4-6- Permit to L.B. Williams to constr a res on the East sideof 28th St., 150' north tlf Grape St. vith a 5' SB from 28th St. Res. 1614 7-5-46 EXT of TIME to Res. 1616 for 6 mos. EXT of TIME to Res. 1899 for 6 mos. Res. 1899 Res. 2386 11-21-46 7-16-47 Lot 21 & 815' of Lot 22 & WlO' of' Granada St. clad adj- Permitted Estate of Vincent Safranek (1st. Nat'l Tr & Sav Bk of S.D. Exe) to const 2 sin fam dwellings or duplex on the parcel, 40' frontage on Granada St., zone R-2. S-380 7-25-56 NlO' Lot 22, all Lots 23 & 24 & S10' Hawtnorn St. clad, exc tile Wly 3.5' & WlO' Granada St. clsd- Permitted Vincent Safranek Estate {1st Nat'l Tr & Sav Bk of S.D., Ecc) to maint duplex on this parcel vith 70' frontage on Granada St., Zone R-2. 8-381 7-25-56 Lots 17 & 18- ZA.DENIED variance sought by Roberta N. Goodrich as requested but APPROVED to maintain a converted garage observing 0 1 10" front yard where 15'0" is required and 2 1 811 north side yard where 4 1 011 is required, subject to conditions, located at 2022 Granada Avenue, Rl-5000 zone, Golden Hill Interim Emergency Ordinance Area. C-20005 07-22-88 APPEAL to BZA- BZA DENIED appeal of Roberta N. Goodrich and MODIFIES the decision of the ZA C-20005 09-21-88