Seaman & Choate's Addn Block 65
SEAMAN & CHOATE'S ADDN BLOCK 65.tif S1WWf & CHOATES ADDITION BLOCK 65 Lots 23 & 24- Permit to Harley Saens to erect res & gar, 5 '4" from 29tn St. Res. 67475 4-19-38 Lots 1-6 exc WlO'- Permit DENIED Arthur c. & Ila Smith, own & Ethel Lucy Petty, lessee to use exist sin ram res as guest home for senior citizens, max 6 guests, 2855 Juniper st., Zone R-2 c-4200 6-30-61 Lots 1-6 exc WlO'- Permit DENIED to Mr.! Mrs. Algeron M. Petty to use exist bldg with 2 kitchans as guest home for senior citizens with a max of 6 guests where l duplex or 2 sin fam units on lot of record at time of zoning is perm at 2855 Juniper St. Zone R-2. APPEALED- DENIED 2-7-63 C-5303 11-27-62 lot 17- Permit to Thomas Bowden, owner; Husibu II Investments, Purchaser, to constr a 3-story sin fam dwell to (I) obs a 5' frontyd (2) observe a 3'6" inter sideyd at closest point (3) result in 34' ht and (4) erect 6 1 of max 9' hi ret wall, at 2220 29th St. zqn~ R-2., {J1R). CondiJ:. '16' r1-\ ~o'-~i--e&~-~--~1~.:i.-~~-L~---*:--~-:,,L----------------___ c-1s618_______ 1L29Lz9_______ lot 18- Permit to Thomas Bowden, owner, Husibu II Investment, purchaser, to const a 3-story sin fam dwelling to (1) obs a 5' frontyd (2) garage to observe O' int sideyd (3) result in 34' ht and (4) erect 7' max 7' hi ret wall, at 2222 29th St, zone R-2 HR. Con~.. ct~ i:n_ 1-~ 9-Z.L(~-\i-Ko)-------------------C-15604------- 1 /29/79------