Seaman & Choate's Addn Block 9
SEAMAN & CHOATE'S ADDN BLOCK 9.tif SJWWf &: CHOATES Ao OAI BLOCK 9 'Lots 1 & 2- Permit to R.H. & Lucille Woodward to split lots into 2 bldg sites described as follows: parcel 1, north 20' of Lot 1 & 10' st closing & parcel 2, south 5' of Lot 1 and all qf Lot 2, giving each parcel 30' street frontage. Res. 1668 8-1-46 Lots 1-4- Permit to Mayne G. Shaver to const 6 liv units on said prop, bldgs to cross lot lines, SE cor of Date & 28th Sts., Res. 2925 3-10-48 Lots 23,24- Permit to Ermelindo & Barbara Mateus to erect 101' of 5' high blokk retaining wall obs 0' front yard on Granada Avenue and 0' street side yard on Date Street where max 3' high wall is perm in req. 15' front yd on Granada Ave. and 10' street side yard on Date St. at 1644 Granada Ave., SW cor of Date St. and Granada Ave., Zone R-2- Co~d'l. C-12,448 N.H. 2-26-74