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Development Services

Seaman's C.C Subd. Card 1

SEAMAN'S C.C SUBD. CARD 1.tif ~---~----- ~ C~~~____....u~ SUBDIVIS[ON Por Lot 15; Cond' 1 permit to Wilbur L. & Gwendolyn ila.nlon to const a maintenance.bldg to be used in conjunctfon with a residence & nursery at 2805- 54th::it. Lot 15, (Bo 80 1 of W 150'' t:onditi 1nal permit Howard J-l c'>: Violet Ulsen, purch., to divide Agreement No. 423 Res 786 12-21-44 to Wilbur L, & Gwendolyn ll.. Hanlon, owners, & a port at 54th & Olive dtr,.ets, & 111ovein res. 11.e s 1604 7-5-46 r or. Lot 15, W. L. Hanlon, owner & Pac. uutdoor Advertising "o. lessee, to erect double:._faced, free....standing lighted 3'x 5' directional sign back of::iB arra., SE cor Ryan ll.d &~54th;:,t., denied requested lighted sign, but approved unlight~!s!'; 4: 2 lign for time ei~;~:~ 3-~_1!'O'l' Lot 16,!' lot,----------------------------- chez, Jr, to 299:3 54th,;:,t. a.ild relocate on Por Lot 15, Permit to Wilbur L. Hanlon, owner & Revival Pentecostal Tabernacle of S.D. puroh, to const church & related fao, approx 140, E of 54th S~,betw R7an Rd & Olive St, R-1; 11,&40 sq ft. auditorium & 2-stocy 6,400 sq.ft olassrm bldg to be cons in 2 parts(denied request 2-story- 9,000 sq rt. ' ") co nil. CASE:lllLlh 1 not t. Q.l.1 APPEAL granted, z.A. decision reversed & permilsion/granted to bld cfiuron.------------------------------