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Development Services

Seamans Subd Block 433

SEAMANS SUBD BLOCK 433.tif ' [' SEAMANS SUB ()6\~--~- BLOCK 433 \ 0 card IE.- Lot 23 & 24- ZA has APPROVED the request of ROBERT COSTELLO- to erect approximately;;;; O" of 3'-6" high cedar fence on top of an existing retaining wall which varies in height from 3 1 1" to 3'7", observing a 0'-0" south side yard where 7'-0" is required (incremental yards for three-story structure); (2) to erect 3'-0" of 3 1-6" high cedar fence of an existing 3'3" high retaining wall observing a 4 1-0" front yard adjacent to.Falcon Street where 7'-0" is required (7'-0" frnt yard approved by var. C-19079, at 3549 Reynard Way,.R-400 zone, w/cond. C-19881 3/14/88 Lots & 24- ZA considered amended request of WILLIAMS. FAY: 1) to constr. a 3-story apartment bldg observing a 12' setback on Reynard Way & a 7' setoittW(pn Falcon Street where 15' setbacks are reqd; 2) to provide one unenclosed parking space observing a 7' setback on Falcon St. where no parking is permitted in the req'd 15' yard; 3) to provide 46.6% landscaping where 100% is reqd in the front yard adjacent to Falcon St; 4) to provide 37' btwn two driveways where 45' is reqd at 3549 Reynard Way, Zone R-400; and DENIED as requested but APPROVED 7' setback on Falcon Street where 15' setback is reqd & Items 2, 3 & 4 subject to conditions. C-19079 1/31/86