Seaside Subdivision
SEASIDE SUBDIVISION.tif. '.SEASIDE SUBDIVlSI0H /7/~ Lots 1-27- Permit (condl) to La Jolla Casa de Manana, Inc. Henry R. Dutton, v.P. to const neon sign approx 2' x 5' on face of por of bldg at 849 Coast Blvd., Res. 6114 1-23-52------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All of Subd- Permit DEHIED to La Jolla Casa de Manana & Pacific Homes to oonvert & maint por of exist hotel as infirmary, as part of home for retired people, 849 Coast Blvd Res. 7043 12-24-52 APPEAL of Res. 7043- z.c. decision overruled. CC Res. 110041 & 42 1-13-5; Seaside Subd- Ext of 6 months granted to Pacific Home. CC Res. 113203 7-16-53 Seaside Subd- Permit to Pacific Home Corp to erect 2nd floor balcony on Res C, to project into SB a distance of 4 1, W side Coast Blvd. s., 849 Coast Blvd. Res. 9074 8-3-55 Lots 1-27 & Lots 1-7, Blk 55, La Jolla Park & Lots 1 & 2, Casa de Manan Sub- Pe111mit to Pacific Homes, Corp, own to operate exist retirement facility with 6 guest untts for members & to const & mperate a four stage 72 unit addn; providing for a total of 290 retirement units (400 members) & to provide res for up to 30 employees, located betw South Coast Blvd. & Coast Blvd., S of Jenner St., Zone R-4, condl CUP C-131 PC 2-9-67