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Sec 1, T19s, R2w Card 5

SEC 1, T19S, R2W CARD 5.tif Sec 1, TW 19 S, R2W Card.f/S" Por Sec 1- Permit to Shell Oil Co. to erect & maintain one double faced, lighted 8' x 8' revolvin6 ground sign with post obs 30' sb & edge of sign obs 26' sb from c/1 of San Ysidro Blvd; one 4411 x 64" price sign obs 30 1 sb from c/1 of San Ysidro Blvd; & one driveway light & pole obs 32' sb from the c/1 of San \'sidro Blvd. where 40 1 sb from center line of San Ysidro Blvd is estab & no structure is permitted over the sb at 108 E. San Ysidro Blvd. SE cor San Ysidro Blvd. & Sycamore Rd. Zone C (see San Ysidro,\.ddn. if l) Case No. 7150 6/7/oS Por NE- Permit to Mr. Elias Schiff to const commercial bldg ann obs 32 1 SB from center line of San Ysidro Blvd where 40 1 is req at 514 E. Sa.n Ysidro Blvd. Zone C, condl. Case No. 7312 8/3/65------------------------------For SE of NEi TABLED req of Trust Dept., Bk of Ca.lif., Owner & Denny's Restaurant, lessee to canst restaurant encroaching 14' into estab SB on oan Ysidro Blvd., 40' from.centerline, on E. oan Ysidro Blvd. westerly of intersection San Ysidro Blvd. & Montgomery Freeway, Zone C. Case No. 7518 12/17/65----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por. jec. 1- Extension of time 5 yrs. to Case No. 372~ to expire 6-30-71, same conditions.-.f.d~~-f--.,:2'.~~&__ (f_:~t-.:?2_____ f~If~~Lqff_~rrf~t~f~~l~fi_lQ:~:~~-tIQ~~~:a1t___
