Sec 1, Twp 19 S, R2w (San Ysidro)Card 1
SEC 1, TWP 19 S, R2W (SAN YSIDRO)CARD 1.tif SECTION 1, TWP 19S, R2W. (',n Ysi ~ro) For, Leo G. Opsomer to move duplex (Bldg C) from 840-842- 18th St, 3-S. c.;;# ~ '__ HM.#3059 to 125,--27 Virginia 12-24-58, to 121 Vi~,,rr.i;i. HM 60 8.38- 18th St, to 123 Virginia Ave._____!!M_#zOl____!2:2~-28__ For. Scott E. & Marie Peck, owner, of products for export & import expire 9-25-60 & Barbara Todd & Wm. Joffroy, lessee to have warehousing at 670 E San Ysidro Blvd C zone, granted for 1 yr to 1-P, Blk 3(Permit to Shelley Hawthorne arceJ 01t 626 li'',t"lm,.,2 3an Ysidro. C~se,2798 9-11-69 rrove du~1le0!'.. ~--~ fili i/3372----------------------------- Po:etion.Sec 1 & Sec, 6, Permit to E. S,Neidhart to const additions to exist. motel off. & res. on parcel not having full st. frontage, exist. bldg obs 2 1 rear yd(lO' req.) 672 San Ysidro Blvd. Zone C. Case 2987 C' 12-18-59