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Development Services

Sec 11 T14s,R3w Sbbm Card 1

SEC 11 T14S,R3W SBBM CARD 1.tif SECTION 11, T14S, R3W, SBBM c//) CARD #1 ~ Portion- Permit was considered by ZA to MARK L. COLLINS to use property as wholesale and retail nursery with workshop, propagation area, office area, and parking; DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED use of the property as a wholesale nursery with work- shop, propagation, office and parking areas, subject to conditions., at 7150 Black Mountain Road (Parcel 1, P,M. 12027), Zone A-1-10. CUP 17912 BZA- APPEAL APPROVED AND MODIFIED DECISION OF ZA to READ: AND RETAIL NURSERY WITH WORKSHOP, PROPAGATION AREA, TO CONDITIONS. 4-18-83---t.,{l ~ G-6-Z5 2-4-83 TO USE PROPERTY AS WHOLESALE OFFICE AREA, AND parking:, subject