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Sec 11 T15s,R3w Sbbm (Miramar Industrial Tract) Card 2

SEC 11 T15S,R3W SBBM (MIRAMAR INDUSTRIAL TRACT) CARD 2.tif SEC 11, Tl.5S, R3W {Miramar Industrial Tract) Por Lot 3- Classification of Use soluble gums & their derivatives, located south of Consolidated Way detrimental to the welfare of the permitted in Sec. 101.0436 permit to Kelco Co.- That the manufacturing of water proposed to be located in the prpposed M-lA zone is an enterprise similar to & not more obsnozius or particular community than those enterprises or business Res. 198282 10-23-69 Lot 3- CLASSIFICATION OF USE- Kelco Co,- mfg of water soluble gums & their derivatives M-lA Zone South of Consolidated Way Res. 197966 9-11-69---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- Permit to Glendale Federal Savings & Loan Assoc., own & John R. Limpus, lessee to maint exist 6' x 8', sin faced, directional sign, overall nt max 13', where one 8 sq ft sign advertising property for sale or lease is perm, Carroll Rd., 1200 1 NWly of Miramar Rd., Zone A-1-10 (Interim), condl 4 ~A~ f-.n-/2-(.J-7- 7L) C-9766 N.H. 2-27-70 ~-jj-~:?.-?.7- 7p_J-Z-.U-/71) C~-lJ-'17- <[&;t.,)_________________________________ Lots I, 4 and Lot 7- Permit to Taharland, Ltd. to constr (1) a 10,773 sq ft Industrial bldg on Lot 7 obs a O' inter sideyd and (2) to constr a 33,614 sq ft Industrial bldg. on Lots 1 & 4, obs O' int sideyd on Lot 4, Kendall Miramar Business Park, TM-55, portion of northeast quarter, Section 11, Twnship 15 S, Range 3 V, on south side of Trade St E of Carroll way, zone A-1-10 (proposed M-1-B). I) APPROVE 2)DENY, condit. C-15621 1/26/79