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Development Services

Sec 13 T14s,R4w Sbbm Card 2

SEC 13 T14S,R4W SBBM CARD 2.tif SEC 13 1 T 14 S1 R 4 W... For.- request WITHDRAWN tor Pardee Const. Co. to erect and maintain tor a period of 2 yrs, u, one 15' x 80' sing raced, unlighted, directional sign on? 1 high legs; sign advertising "Del Mar Hills" a new Sub, located approx~ S117 where an 8 sq. ft. for sale or lease sign is penn on Boquita Dr. Ext. approx 1300' N or NE cor Boquita Dr. Mission Carmel Cove., Zone R-1 Case No. 8414 10-26-67-------------------------------------------------------------Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 11, Lots 1-6, Blk 16 & por marked Reservoir, Del Mar Heights & por Sec. 13 Tl4S, R4W, S.B.B.M.- Planned Residential Dev. permit DENIED for an appeal of Michael D. O'Hara & PRD No. 87' '