Sec 16 T14s,R2w Sbbm Card 1
SEC 16 T14S,R2W SBBM CARD 1.tif -,,'!-"!';' ~..---~,,..,.. ~ ~-., ~-- ~--:-~ ~--:-----.. ~-... " SECTION 16, TJ4S 1 R2W, SBBM----~. CARD #1-,:l"f Portion- Permit APPROVED by ZA to PARDEE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY to construct crib walls to a maximum of 41 1 high to support and retain a crossing of Chicarita Creek where maximum 10 1 high retaining wall is permitted, located at San Bernardino Meridi~n, Zone A-1-10. Conditions. C-18254 NH 10-11-83 Portion- Permit APPROVED by ZA to PARDEE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY to construct crib walls to a maximum height of 27'-0" to support and retain embankment for future road crossing of Chicarita Creek, located at Evening Creek Drive, northwest of Sabre Springs Parkway, Zone A-1-10. Conditions. C-18510 NH 7-20-84 Portion- Permit APPROVED by ZA to PARDEE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY to erect two 56 sq.~ft., 14' high ground signs identifying the future site of a school and a neighborhood park within the Sabre Spring Community where there is no provision for such signs within the City-Wide on-Premise Sign Regulations located at east of I-15, north and south of Poway Road, Zone A-1-10 with conditions C-18682 1/18/85