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Development Services

Sec 19, T14s, R3w Card 2

SEC 19, T14S, R3W CARD 2.tif S CTION 19, Tl4S, R3W J..5 () z. 7 (,'or res JO!.../a.2 ' Df s1-;: of EE.,-?cr-~it to Ruiolf '::V::~.r.,ar-et \"orsch to C8nst sin~ f'am or:)_.C-acre.:-:~2 r..ot h!::vir.:.'. +'ronte.:::-e oL-?-,-1.ed::.cDted st. but ser'.. red by c.)rii,:::te road eccsc,'1e:1t w.10re full.. fPoLt::' <,e o: dtdic::' c'..5~) 0,.-,y,,,y 7: ('(',I U nf' '',;n"lPl Tplle; ;d znrA Al-lC v-,___ (..,- ',;,,., 4-....,,_.,~..J...'-t_.._._,..L~,.-___.._,.,1 "-~........,) ~l '-~ .,_..,.- Cat~ No. S063 lC-30-63--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portion Section 19- Permit to Erick P. & Faith M. Masterman to constr detached garage observ 12' side yd where min 20' side yd is req; exist dwell has no st frontage but is served by a private easement to El Camino Real; as per legal descrip on file in Zon Div of Plann Dept; approx 696 ft of El Camino Real, about! mile Sly of intersec of 4th Ave & Hiway 5, Zone A-l-5Interim; Case No. 8249 (N.H.) 7-19-67-------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 1- portion- WITHDRAWN- REFUND- Carden of San Diego to construct elementary school consisting of 30 classrooms & administration building on the east side of El Camino Real & south of Del Mar Heights Rd., Zone A-1-5, C-9681 2-17-70 Permit to Carden of San Diego, Inc. to const four classrooms on a lot with a nonconf ~~o}~z~a635_El_Camino_Real.__ zone_A-l-5.__ condition.__ C-15027.__ 4-27-78.___ Portion of Lot 1- Permit DENIED by ZA to JOEL & DIANE L. SWEET to use an existing single- family dwelling as a private school for a maximum of 20 students, ages three to eight years, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p,m., Monday through Friday, Zone A-1-5. CUP 17227 5-22-81
