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Development Services

Sec 21 T14s,R2w Sbm

SEC 21 T14S,R2W SBM.tif S~ON 21, Tl4S, R2W, SBM ti Por of southl/2 of the south 1/2 of- Pennission is granted to Owner/ Pennittee to develop a PID, located east of Interstate 15, north of Miramar Lake, and south of Poway Rd, Al-10/HRO (proposed MIP/HRO) Zone. PID 87-1087 12/19/88 ~~sl_tS~f~,ffia ~~~Construction Co., A california Corp., to delete Parcel 16 fran PCD Permit #88-0408, north side of Poway:Rd., east of Sabre Springs Pkwy. Zone:CA-RR PCD-91-0283 10/08/91