Sec 21 T18s,R2w Sbbm Card 3
SEC 21 T18S,R2W SBBM CARD 3.tif SEC. 21, Tl8S, R2W, SBBM,,, Card:#3 Por Sec 21, 27, & 28- Permission to Lago Dorado, own to construct & operate a 27 hole golf course with related clubhouse & recreation facilities, Northerly of Miramar Reservoir, east of Hwy 395 in the A-1-10 Zone. 208-PC 6-6-69 Por- Permit to San Diego Country Swiss Club to const building to be used as club nouse witn caretakers' quarters on lot which was split prior to annexation & split recorded prior to 1954 per legal on file at tne SW cor Hwy 5 & Main St., 2001 Maint St., Zone A-1-1 (Interim), condl C-9537 10-21-69--------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Por- Permit to Edward Loustalet, own & Donald J. Dougher, lessee to constr three addnl spaces to an exist mobile home park constructed prior to annexation where commercial uses only are perm at 1600 Palm Ave. on the north side, opposite 16th St., Zone c, condl C-9895 6-2-70 Por- Permit to Williamson Enterprises to constr & operate a travel trailer park of 498 spaces on a 24 acre tract on the Wly side Of Hollister St., N1y of Conifer Ave. in the So. Bey area. ~one A-1-1. o O.,....,4p8-PC 4-11-75 W---OhiZau.,.,_~_.ili:il./__ \_i_mou-U:.~'-s...$_-Jki~------------------------------