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Sec 21 Twp 18s,R2w Sbbm Card 1

SEC 21 TWP 18S,R2W SBBM CARD 1.tif SEC. 21- 8fltt91,'t, Twp 18S, R2W, SBBM \\ Cc1rd # 1- Clarence W. Bishop and Bertha M. Wright, to const1ruct and oi:,erate270-unit_____::~==~~-~~J,~~l-~~-~:i:~~~~4~~7 N~ 37,;~~~.L_ Por. to s. D. County S\ Club, Inc. to const 8 1 x 4' neon sign.. advertising S\dss Park, on 15 1 posts on top of exist bldg, at 2001 Main St., Otq., I~terim Zone R-1 Case /12423 4-10-59--------------------------------------------- N of SE of NE- Permit to Robert ~~gger, Sr, owner & Johnson, Tyson & LYnds, lessee, to erect one single-faced, 7 pole, unlighted sign back of SB, face of sign 42 1 wide by 101 high, overall height approx 18', 1/8 mile S of Main 3t, eas_t side of Montgomery li'rwy, Zone Al-1, for 1 yr to expire 1-15-61. C,,se 3009 1-15-60 v- Po; ~ AMENDMENT to-ciiP.-c;s; 1613; Da.;i:;- M.-;:;;pp Const.- "o-for-Dfshop hobife--1-odge at fi32"0 Palm Ave., Imperial Bch. that item 12 oe added, additional space 271 on plans, to be used excusively by trailer park mgr & not rented or occ~pied by others. 4-13-60 --------------------------------------------- Por s of N of NE of SE Seo 21, WP 18S, R2W,lying Wly of Montgomery Frwy Permit to Calif water & Telephone o,, & Imperial Boh Chamber of Com. lessee toe reot & maintain l sing faced f'loodli ted b illbrd type directional sign with 40 1x 10 1 panel advertis City of Imp Boh Cham of Com, tEly of Laurej Al-1 zone, to expire 2 yrs from 6-30-61, or 6-30-6). Case 4159 6-23-61 1_