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Sec 22 T18s,R2w Card 2

SEC 22 T18S,R2W CARD 2.tif 'f' SEC. 22:-- Tl8S R2W. <-.,/, Ca rd fE=. 2 Poe- CUP 4708- PC granted an exte~ion of time & amendment 5-13-69. AMENDMENT & EX'l'ERmION OF TIME APPEALED by Gertrude Sykes- Vote 6 to 1, PC overruled and amendment & extension of time is DENIED and appeal of Gertrude Sykes granted. CC Res. 197205 6-12-69 Por- GRANTED to H.G. Fenton Material Co., Inc by PC to cons tr &: operate an 187 space mobile nome park subj to conditions at the W side of National Ave., betw Palm Ave. & Otay River in tne A-1-1 {Interim) & R-1-20 Zones. 7.?fa 9 211PC-Jt 30-69 APPEAL filed by Alex Harper, City Attorney, vote 6 to 1, tne decision of toe PC granting CUP 211-PC is overruled & said conditional use permit is nereby DENIED & tne appeal is granted. CC Res 197204 6-12-69