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Development Services

Sec 23 T14s,R4w

SEC 23 T14S,R4W.tif... S23 'fl.4S R4W 1 Por- Permit to Title Ina. & Truat Co. and l!&ldwin Builders to conetr and operate a planned residential dev located on tbe nortn aide of carmel Valley Rd betw Pacific Coaat HigbWay and Interstate 5. PRD #14 5-26-71---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por- permit to Title Ins. & Trust Co. (Baldwin Co.) to maintain 16 sq. ft. sign, 12' hi advertis "Sea Village Model Homes", at NW cor Del Mar Scenic Pkwy Extend & Carmel Valley Ri;Jo2i;.~!-1 lo ~op~7 c,_(/o-i- 7S j____________ C-12805______________________ 9124/74_____.____ Por- TABLED- William Lyon Development Co., Inc. requested permission to constr private recreation center to serve apartment units proposed to be located immediately adjacent to the east where residential or agricultural use only is permitted on Carmel Valley Rd, betw Del Mar Scenic Parkway and Via Aprilia- SE cor at intersect of Carmel Valley Rd.Zone A-1-1 c-10958 Filed 4-4-75 Portion of Southeast 1/4- Permit GRANTED to DR, JOHN H. LUX, owner, and VALLE DEL MAR, INC., a California corporation, permi.ttee, to construct and operate a planned residential development located on the east side of Carmel Valley Road between Del Mar Scenic Parkway 4nd North Tor.rey Pines Road, Zone A.(1-1 (HR0 proposed R-1-10 (HR). ~~-:;z~-8l u+. o1:k.-r,,c..g-~ 3-li-'.?;,l '3-;z..r-ro PRD-121 Cltr::af:-r:O Ne('_ 6-21-79 u