Sec 23 Twp18s,R2w Sbm
SEC 23 TWP18S,R2W SBM.tif SECTIO~ 23: ~ 18 s R:lw I SBM (sWi,) (South San Diego) 1--d I Por. Permit to Johnson, Tyson & Lynds to construct 12 sin fam dwellings & use as modi:;, also use 2 dwel. as sales off. for 533-house development; & const signs: l double-face V direc. 20'x 40 1; l- 8'x 12' tr. I.S,; 2- 3'x 10 1 sales off signs; 12- 2 1x 31 I.S on Lots 1-12, Montgomery Palisades #1 NE cor. Beyer Way & Palm Ave, & one 8 1~ 24' on Lot 131, Montgomery Palisades, Zone Al-10, l yr to expire 9-29-60 Case 2805 v 9-11-59-----------------..-----------------------V ~~~~~cto delete sign at re?.r of Lot 131, &: change 10 x24 1 to l0 1y 30' with 2 riders--,-.,_.,,..;.------------------------------------..,-------.t'or of SW:t, Permit to Pacific l'elephone & Telegraph 1,;o, lessee, Johns,n, Tyson & Lynds, partnership, owner, to use 8 x 40 1 metal mobile telephone central off(containing unattend telephon~ ~uipment) for period to expire 1-3-621' < cond' 1. C.U.P. Case 3196 4-27-60-_ II, ~---':0--_'1:.;,L-_t.~_-_!,-fl.!-S.:..ID'I ~-;12=.:f,,{!:-_ "tl_E~'::.,_/..:;_SL--:.r,,...!J_---------- Por 8ec 23,Tl8S,r2W,&(Lot1o 1-12, kontgomery Palisades #1) Permit to Hontgo,uery Palisades Ltd to maintain 12 sing farn res on Lots 1-12 for model homes, & garages as sales offices,for housing develop;& 111aintain signs for model homes,NE cor Beyer..ay & Palm Av. jor 1 yr.. ''. ll,, Case 3943 3-17-61,4.Mf6'...1d r f~C-f.P_ J. ~--_r;,!f_: = J 1 If..: g-!{r:..:, D.Jc:r?.:..::3 ~~":. 1p_f:'-__________./ Por- Permit to Sweetwater Union High School District, permittee to const & operate a 38 classroom Senior High School on real property in the City of S.D. located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Palm Ave. & Byer Way and more particulary described as all that portion of the south of the SW of S23, Tl&}, R2W, San Bernardino Meridian, in the City of S.D, County of S,D., State of CA, according to U.S. GoveI'lllllent Survey, lying westerly oof the center line of County road survey No. 407, according to plat of said Road Survey on file in the office of the County Surveyor of S,D. County CUP l95PC 1-13-69 /1-1-/0