Sec 24 T18s,R2w
SEC 24 T18S,R2W.tif SECTION 24- T18S, R2W W~ of NW of NE} of 8'1f. (exc. Road res, making 2 liv units, the exist Otay Valley Rd., Zone Al-10. ~(Survey #866)- Permit to Richard T. Takashima to res for farm foreman, not be rented, at 4105 C- 2072 10-3-58 const. Permit to Mary Marumoto to (1) cons a 2nd dwell unit on parcel w/o frontage on dedicated st. contain approx. 44,000 sq.ft. where 1 sin fam dwell may be erect on a lot contain less than 15 acres (2) parcel to be serve by 25' wide ease where frontage on a dedicated st. is req.- at 4268 Powderhorn Dr. no. of 4268 Powderhorn Dr. Zone A-1-10 Interim. c10861 11-4,-71