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Development Services

Sec 24 T18s,R2w Sbbm

SEC 24 T18S,R2W SBBM.tif S~CTION 24, 'T18S, R2W, SBBM. ~. Portion- Amendment to Planned Commercial Dev. Permit No. 82-0399 & 30-097-0 is granted to 'i CLINT W. ROBERTS to construct & operata a mixed use PCD located on the north sicle of Hwy 117 (Tocayo Ave.) between Oro Vista Ave. & 1-5, in the A-1-5 (proposed CR zone) zone. Also on Lot' 11, Tibbetts Tract. (Amendment to PCD 82-0399 & PCD 30-097-0) PCD #82-0399.1 3/5/84-----------------------------------------------------------------------.----------------- Portion- CITY COUNCIL GRANTED Conditional Use Pemit to Environmental Development, a limited partnership, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a service station, located on the,.east side of I-805, north of Palm Avenue, south of the Otay River Valley and the City of Chula Vista, in the A-1-1 (proposed CA) zone. CUP //87-0218 5-10-88 Portion- CITY COUNCIL DENIED.the appeal by 0-Mesa Investment Company, therefore sustained the decision of the Planning Commission to GRANT the Conditional Use Permit to Environmental Deevlopment. CUP /187-0218 6-7-88 (Res. /188-2493)