Sec 26 Township 18s,R2w Sbbm Card 3
SEC 26 TOWNSHIP 18S,R2W SBBM CARD 3.tif. p SEC 26, Tl8s, R2W Por- z. A. considered appl of Joe Kovner, et al, owner and Princess Homes Realty, lessee, to erect and maintain for a period of 1 yr, one-double-faced, lighted, 12' x 42' directional sign for "Princess Del Sol Homes", a new sub, located approx mi to the E where a 12 sq.ft sign advert the sale of products raised on the premises is perm in 8200 blk Beyer Blvd.,NW cor Beyer Way and National Ave. Zone A-1-10., and nas DENIED the app as req but APPROVED one 4' x 8 1 sign on National Ave. where requested and APPROVED one 4 1 x 8 1 sign at the NE cor of Beyer Way and Del Sol Blvd. Cond'l. c-8728 6-21-68 APPEALED and decision of z.A. sustained and affirmed, appeal DENIED- 8-16-68 Amended- 10-21-68 Ext t1me to exp 6-21-70 (6-11-69)- Ext time to exp 6-21-71 (6-3-70) Ext time to exp 6-21-72 (6-2-71)- Ext time to exp 6-21-73 (6-23-72 Ext time to exp 12-21-73 (7-24-73) (t~-;l._/-13- Tw &t,) Por- Z.A. considered the appl of B.A. Ramirez, owner and Al Wylie Sign Co., lessee to re- locate and maintain for a period of 1 yr the exist sign located on the NE Cor of Beyer Way & Palm Ave to the SE cor of the same sts; sign is a post-mounted, 10' x 30' double-faced, unlighted sub directionaLsign for "Candlelight Homes" a new 950-unit sub, located approx 1 mile to the E where a 12 sq. ft. sign pertaining to sale of products produced on the prop is perm, at 701 Beyer Way at the SE cor of its intersec with Palm Ave. Zone A-1-10, and has DENIED appl as req, but APPROVED one post-mounted 4' x 8 1 double-faced, ~nlighted sub direct sign for "Candlelight Homes". Condl. C-8781 8-1-68 Amended 7-25-69- Awended 8-30-69 Ext time to exp 7-26-71 (7-3-70)' Ext time to exp 7-26-72 (7-9-71) Ext time to exp 7-26-73 (7-14-72) ext time to exp 10-26-73(7-13-73) (,o-'),C,,- '1~- 1W'