Sec 27 T18s,R2w Card 3
SEC 27 T18S,R2W CARD 3.tif...------ SEC. ~7. TOWB.18s R2W CARD 10. 3 All S of S Li of RlW in Wl/2 of NWt of SEt- AGREEME!ff #1040 to J.J. Whitt and Iaabel Whitt to 111$Ve in single family reaidence, making a total of 3 units on parcel, one of whicn 11 to be_eonverted_into_an_atcea1ory_buildi~_____________________________________________ 6/5/59____ Por SE- to Mr. Daniel W. Wallace, own & caaey Con1t. Co., lea to erect & maintain for 1 yr, 1 dbl face, post mount, unlight 8 1 x 16 1 grnd sign adv Robin Hood Home,, Coronado Ave & Nat'l Ave, Zone A-1-1 Interim, cond c-6739 9/30/64 1 yr ext- 10/4/65 & 10/4/66 Por- to Robinhood Homes, Inc for 1 sing face, 81 x 16 1 unlight grnd sign adv Robinnood Homes at 7th St & Alternate Hwy 101, A-1-1- DERY 81 x 16 1 but APPROVE 41 x 81 sign, cond 1 u. nt~ 1;g12a16h~!g~5{~a-23-67>. c-6162 10/9764_________ Z!__________ ~------------------------------------------------------------------- por NW- to Vincent c. Bigboy to constr sing tam dwell on parcel w/no frontage on dedi-.lcated st, but served by 30' wide eaaement to Elm Ave, 783 Manning Ltme, 6oo' S of Palm Ave R-1-5 cond AGREEMENT #1376, 4/14/65 C-7o63 4/16/65-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por. SE of SE- CUP granted by PC to David Fleet, Byron Ray & Robert Nay "permittees" to constr & operate a 103-unit mobile home park on N. side of Iris Ave betw 27th St. & SD & A ERR right-of-way, subject to cond. PC-140 1/24/68---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CASE# 6762- Extension mf time to expire 11-1-69 (10-29-68) l yr exteasion (11-/-{,,"f-,u:rf:5{J:.-~ t"~),