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Development Services

Sec 27 T18s,R2w Card 5

SEC 27 T18S,R2W CARD 5.tif SEC 27, Tl.8s, R2W Card //5 NW ror- Permit to D.L. & Ann Reed to constr a sin fam dwell on parcel w/no frontage on a dedicated street but served by a 30' wide easement to Elm Ave. & to leave exist dwelling on lot until new dwelling is completed on Manning Lane (non-dedicated) betw Elm Ave. & Palm Ave., Zone R-1-5, condl C-9932 7-1-70 Por- Permit to Magnolia Investments, purch & Robert A. May, own to develop property as park lot to serve proposed service station to be located immediatelY adj to the west in the C-lA zone, on Coronado Ave betw the Outer Rd. & 27th St., Zone R-1-5. c-10149 10-30-10 Por- Z.A. has considered tne AMENDED request of Royal D. and B,M, Darlene Cronquist to develop property for church sanctuary, classrooms and parking wnere res or agricultural use only is perm; constr to obs 5' side yd where 20' is req at 2n5 Elm Ave,in Interim Zone A-1-1, and nas APPROVED tb.e reqta est subject to conditioaa, C-10699 9-22-71 ABOVE-Appealed to BZA. Appeal DENIED and tne decision of the Z,A., subject to all conditions imposed; be, and nereby is, sustained and affirmed.!f,-~=~.-j_='- 7:~:C:1-i:z(.ur_(B:1(.~:-,-~7}c- 1_~?::f!-.1.__ Zi~~--ii~:20-=1r-~=;~~ 7,1l._,v:-~-../ I '.) (~- /0-8-)'1 ~:to J2,fla--' S-1- l &(7-.1_9. 7.s- v- 'f),1i =I:,. &yp 8-t-77 (S- 13- 7S}