Sec 27 T18s,R2w Card 7
SEC 27 T18S,R2W CARD 7.tif SEC 27 Tl8S R2W Por- Permit to Merlyn D. Holmes, Mr. & Carol Ann Holmes, Jr. to bedrm addn with bar sink in fam rm, on W side of Garland Dr & on Barbour Dr. & Caulfield Dr. AGREE# 2D89 CARD'#7 const 2nd story E side 27th St, 9-3-75 fam & betw Por.- Permit to Warren Oakland and Harvey & Company to erect and main for one year 3' x 5' x 8 1 high single-faced, free-stnding, non-ilium subd. directional sign advertising "Sunrise West" homes; sign to obs O' fy on.Coronado Avenue and O' st sd yd on Outer Rd. at Cor~~ado N/L, 200',, o_f 1:-5, Zone CR. C-14048-C. 2-8-77. Co J:-Lo,-.,s_.....,,,~,'f'-._--.:..l,J.---.,;,,---,,-:-~-_-:;.-,./-... / / L..,_,-;;":,./- f 'iJ________---____________ l_______------------ I)------- -------- Por.- Request of Clarence Sanborn and Harvey & Co. to erect and main for a period of one yr. a 3'x5'x8' high single-faced free-standing, non-ilium. subd. directional sign advertis- ing "Sunrise West" obs O' fy on Beyer Blvd at Beyer Blvd. W/L, 800' North of Coronado Ave. Request DENIED. C-14048-E. 2-8-77. Zone A-1-1.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por.- Request of Dan Wallace and Harvey & Co. to erect and main for one yr a 3'x5'x8' high single-faced, freestanding non-ilium subd. d.irectional sign advertising "Sunrise West" obs O' front yard where 20' is req. at Iris Avenue N/L, 200' East of Monterey Park Dr. Zone R-1-10. DENIED. C-14049. 2-10-77. Portion- Permit to Enrique C. & Judith Z. SANDEZ APPROVED to construct a slngle-fami ly dwelling on a parcel with an existing single-family dwelling, (1) without frontage on a dedicated street but serviced by a 30' easement; (2) kitchen in the existing unit to be removed connecting to guest house where guest house is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only, on a portion of 8 a Section 27, TownshiQ 18 South, Range 2 West, Map No. N/A, Section l property at 7 I Manning Way in the R-5 Zone. Case #16260 9-14-79