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Development Services

Sec 28 T14s,R2w Sbbm Card 1

SEC 28 T14S,R2W SBBM CARD 1.tif SECTION 28 1 Tl4S, R2W, SBBM Portion- Permitto DAON CORPORATION, a Delaware Corporation, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a Planned Residential Development located north of Miramar Reservoir between Interstate 15 and Pomerado Road, Zone R-1-8 (HR) proposed. PRD #20-230-0 9-30-81 (SEE ALSO SECTION 33, T14S, R2W, SBBM) Portion- Permit GRANTED to DAON CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a Planned Residential Development located north and south of Scripps Ranch Boulevard between Interstate 15 and the proposed extension of Spring Canyon Road, Zone R-J-6 proposed. PRD #20-239-0 (SEE ALSO SECTIONS 29, 32 and 33 1 TJ4S, R2WS, SBBM) 9-30-81