Sec 28 T18s,R2w Card 4
SEC 28 T18S,R2W CARD 4.tif SECTION 28- Tl8S R2W $" Card #4 CASE #6761 1 yr extension of time to expire__ ~~-l-6J (10-29-68) (il-1-1,'f-Tur IJii.- f.i!.:.rn, ~) Por. Sec. 28 Tl.85, R2W- permit to Benjamin F. & Ruth E. Smith, 874 Hollister st, Siace 2, Imperial Beach, to add 7 spaces to jziat 49 spaces & eliminate 2 a.paces, cond 11. Case #9192 4/7/69 AMMENDMENT to above resolution, Case #9192, to include trailer spaces adjacent to Elm St. to observe 0 1 setback. Case /19192 4/10/69 Por- Application TABLED- C.E. Norcross, own & Gersten Construction Co.lessee to erect for a period of one year (1) 4 poled, dble-faced, non-illuminated directional sign advertising "Imperial Manor Apts". Overall lleight from base to apex of sign to be 20'; area of sign to be 10' x 22' (220 sq ftl where signs may not exceed 4' in heignt nor 8 sq ft in area offering premises for sale or lease & (2) sign to observe 5' street side yard on Palm Ave. wnere 10' street side yard is required on tile corner of Palm & 19tb Sts., soutb side of Palm Ave. & East side of 19th St., Zone R-2. c-9673 1-28-10----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por.- Permit to Teofilo & center 1 ine of st & from center 1 ine of Zone R-1-5. Maria Mendoza to maint 750' of ch 1 ink fence 5' hi obs 40' from 1 1 611 frnt yd where max 3' hi fence is perm within KX req 40' st & req 15' frnt yd; 2050 Coronado Ave betw Green & 19th Sts. C-11109 N.H. 3/14/72 P~r.-_Permit to Ann Vaccheta and Harvey & Co. to erect and main for one year a 3'x5'x8' l1.1gh. s1.ngle-faced, free stndin!), non-i.llum. sub. directional!iign '~_Sunrise West" homes; sign~to obs 0 1 st sd yd on Ko~l ister St at NW corner Hollister St._& Grove Ave. io'!.E;. CA. ~nd ~ t i.ons,. C-140'48-A.. 2-4-77. t!J.a. ~ ~ 3-/-7JJ (-.,27-7.f'j..,::-- ~-""'.,.,,-.______..,.____,-p.,.,.,__ ~---....--------~...-------~-9'!---,.---------------...--.---""".--..,,..~...---...--...---...,,----