Sec 30 T13s,R2w Sbbm
SEC 30 T13S,R2W SBBM.tif 'SEC 30, Ti3s, R2W, SBBM Por- Permit to Irvin J. Kahn, owner aAa. Samuels. Vener co., lessee to move two barracks buildings end one combination kitchen and mess hall bldg onto parcel, and to constr two new barracks bldgs and two new bath house bldgs, making a total of four bldgs for living quarters and three accessory bldgs for employees on one parcel; bldgs to be for approx 200 farm labor employees who will be employed on the premises; located on the west side of Black Mt. Rd, south of ARtesian Rd., Zone Al-10, where constr and maintenance of living quarters for five or more farm employees in not more than one bldg on any par of land is perm. Cond 'L C-5742 5-20-63