Sec 30 T14s,R3w Card 1
SEC 30 T14S,R3W CARD 1.tif SEC 30, Tl4S, R3W Por- Permit to Roger & Wanda Willson to constr sin fam res and gar on parcel having no frontage on dedicated street but served by recorded easement approx 2400' NE of Camino el Rea: Zone A-1-10. C-2485 5-8-59-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- Permit to R. E, Riis, owner to constr & operate a sand screening plant at the Ely El Camino Real and Sorrento Rd, intersect, Cond'l, c-4605 1-24-62 Amended- 1-31-67 ext time to exp 9-18-70 (7-11-69)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- Permit to the Griffith Co. to excavate and extract sand from prop located south of McGonigle Rd, (Carmel Valley Rd,) Ely of S,D. Freeway, in the Interim A-1-10 Zone. C- 119PC 9-8-66 Por- Permit to Forward-Hall Co. partnership to operate a natural resources sand extraction operation subject to the terms and conditions, on the south side of Carmel Mt. Rd. east of the intersect Hwy 5 and Carmel Mt, Rd. C-183-PC 10-9-68 Appealed by Carmel Valley Land Co, & Carmel Valley Properties- Appeal DENIED Appealed to Council and affirmed-Res 726516 (12-27-68) Por- Permit to Sorrento Sand Co,, Inc. to maintain, operate and expand a sand ext.~action and processing facility one mile east of I-5 and one-half mile south of Carmel Valley Rd, Zone A-1-10. r-lQ 414-PC * ~-~-~ 2._:=.J> r~'-Jl....,___ 1,:_~..:z:...-t--~~ffi--t-.::C\.am~t-----~~-~5.:_t..,~-~-~---------