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Development Services

Sec 31 T14s,R2w Card 4

SEC 31 T14S,R2W CARD 4.tif SEC, 31, Tl4S, R2W CARD #4 Por and lots 92-96, 101-112, por 91,97,98,99,100/\- Permit to Home Federal Sav & Loan Asst: of San Diego and A. J. Hall Corp. to constr and operate PRD located on the east side of Westonhill Dr between Hillery Dr and Flanders Dr and por of Hedgley Ave. Isleworth Ave., SJ_~!,:]tl"; 0 a~? 0 ~dfont_Ave.___________________ PRD #33___________________ 9-29-71___ Por Permit to Kennada Corp0rat10n to conatr & operate a eervice station at tile D cor of Mira Mesa Blvd 8114 Black Mountain Road. Zone A-1-10. 289PC 10-7-71 ~~~-.(_-{:~;2.(_______________________________________________________________ Por- Permit to Frederick F. & Laverne E. Miller, Owners and Luttieran Cburcb, Missouri A.ynod, So . C&lif District, Purcb to develop prop as a ctlurcb facility, w. bere sin tam dve3;, unite and apricultural uses only are perm; on Westmore Road betv Mira~ Blvd and Via.,c.~Jtin a.. Zti)Qe A-l,,-1 Int4'ri4. Cqnd'l. L.-"/..L-- J"l)~-~0811,{+J_ZJz:-nc-,y~)_10-20-71 lo~ r,, OJ~-~~f:.L~J.Jd:r;QJ.-:.;7~-~-'-~.hl'w-.df{l':..7-':-:.__ zz,---~-Z..l2.l..~~-- rAJ> or- Permit DENIEI:P'to Larwin San Diego, Inc, Owner and Standard 011 Corp to conS"tr and f'/ operate a service station facility located on the NW cor Mira Mesa Blvd and Black Mountain Road. A-1- Interim Zone 326-PC 1-19-72 Por- Permit to Larwin-San Diego, Inc. to maintain for one year a 41 x 4' dbl-faced, non-illuminated, overall ht 12' subdivisional directional sign advertising Encore Homes located approx 1/2 mile to the.sS. at NW corner of Mira Mesa Blvd & Black Mtn Rd Zone A-1-1. condl~ C-12370 J-4-74.A:C~-- L-,y~z~ t/-.J 1s]_____________________________________________________________