Sec 32 T14s,R2w Card 1
SEC 32 T14S,R2W CARD 1.tif SECTION 32, Tl4S, R2W.. CARD #1 Portion- Perrr.i t GRANTED to Barry G. HON, dba HON DEVELOPMEN'l' COMPANY, for a HR P to develop propert.y located on the east side of Scripps Ranch Bou:evard, north c,f Maryellan Road, Zone A-1-10 (R-2A and M-lP proposed). HR P #145 9-18-79 Portion- Permit GRANTED to CLEM I,BRAMS, an i.ndi vidual, owner /permi ttee, to construct and opera.te an induE:trial/office development located on the west side of Treena Street between Mary Ellen Road and Hibert Street, Zone M-lP MIP #66 4-1-80 Portion- Permit GRANTED to DAON CORPORATION to construct and operc:;te a Planned Industrial Development located north of Mirc:;mar Reservoir and east of I-15, Zone A-1-10 (propsoed M-Ll). PID #40-013-0 9-30-81 Portion- Permit GRANTED to DAON CORPORATION, a Delaware Corporation, owner/ permittee, to construct and operate a Planned Residential Development located north of Scripps Ranch Boulevard between Interstate 15 ane. proposed extension of Spring Canyon Road, Zone R-1-8 proposed. PRD #20-229-0 9-30-81 (SEE.ALSO SECTION 29, Tl4S, R2W, SBBM)