Sec 33 T16s Card 2
SEC 33 T16S CARD 2.tif.,__..fied Sehool District to move portable dena Ave. BM Res 2897 ~, i112 clasarm bldg tr- 1"8 6-6-58 ~a------------------------------------------------- Por W of NE of Sec 33 T 168 R2W St. John.Engineering Co, owner, & Ford Investment Co, lease denied to maintain 2 e:riat signs indirectly lighted 12'x 24' advertis. new homes in llidge- view:.Acres, at Euel id Ave at rear of 4851 Corliss St, ~l, approved one sign for 9 moa ending 12-31-60. Case 3236 3-24-60--------------------------------------------- Por Nwt- permit to.::s. D. Unified.::School Dist to move port classrm bldg from 3366!'ark lHvd to Altadena Ave.,__.., ilM 3493 6-15-60 to move portabl~e--. HM #3572 ort classrm from HM #3573--------------------------------- Por NE Permit to.Nellie L & ~ry I. Killam to paint oil paintings, store neeea artist D.D8lif.:kdefin_ibecLnaittinft mateaff!~e frames, hold private showing 2 per yr iD ho1119 31;71 A ta na ve, ~I o e p re .Rea 6994 11-28-52