Sec 33- T16s, R2w Card 4
SEC 33- T16S, R2W CARD 4.tif.SECTION 33 Tl6S R2W.. "'"!I! (..ts CARD #4 '' Por- Permit to C. H. & Mary..E, Milne, owner, & San Diego Tabernacle, Inc., purch, to const church plant on par as shown on plans, where sing fam dwell on lot or par of land of record a; time of zoning is penn, at 3547 Altadena Ave., 700 1 N of Loris St., R-1 Zone, condl. ~ jl__-i!;-- 7-2-___ C,U.P. Case No. 5953 9-30-63 Por- Pern1it to Mr. Leonard A. t1b~)Ott to use, exist bldg,;:ior ir..'C Zone- v & por 11 R-1 Zone, for retail:.;, wrnlesale sales of auto;iarts to ir.clude mac 1ine sho;:i with a max of 3 e11.ployees and a nax of l.S h. p. all equ ip'TieYJt, wi1ere re'-.ail cor,"lercial uses are oerm in C Zore &, sin;;,le fam res on lot or 9ar of'].ar,d or record at tl-e of zorir <: is.Jerm ir..i:,:l Zor, at 3007 Euclld Ave.,:-: 1:..y of:ulrce St.C '~ R-1 Zones, condl. C~se No . SC03 10-11-63,/for-? to?ischer i\uction Co., purchaser & Guy C .::.vans, Trustee in tr1e Lat.ter of.i..eonarcl Austin.:,bbott, dba.i..eonard's.~ut0 2arts, owner to use exist bldg, por in C L:one & por in h.-1-5,.,one, for us,,ci furniture storage. No salus & no rerair wcrk to oe done here, where retail cc;1.ri,eroial c:s es penn in C L.oLe <;..c;inc: fcUn re.c; perm in 11.-1-5 one, at 30:.;7 Euclid Ave., Ely oi'.;:uince ot., C &.i-1-5.iones, condl. Ca.,e t,o. 6818 12-4-64---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..,.. Por- Permit to Mr. Billy S. Welch to remodel an exist, building, a portion in the "C" Zone & a por in the R-l-5 Zone, to use for retail & wholesale sales of auto parts with a max of 1 employee (See C-3231, C-6003, & C-6818); a por of Sec 33, as per legal des on file in the office of the Z.A. at 3007 Euclid, Nly of Quince St. in the "C" & R-1-5 Zones; condl. C-7266 7/28/65