Sec 33 Township 18s,R2w Card 1
SEC 33 TOWNSHIP 18S,R2W CARD 1.tif SECTTON 33 TC1.,ffiSIHF 18 S1 R2W ror of NWt Sec 33, on this parcel,--- of N 330 d Lane Card J I,...,. Bartlow to move residence 6-18-59 2-19-60-- P:r-_-p~~;;.-l> h'.-R~b-;rt Egge; t- c~st si-;.g'ie- dwelling-resulting-i'i i. "t"'ta.'l- of 4 dwelliag writs en 25-acre parcel where max 3 UJlits are perm at 1701-19th St, Imperial Beach SE Cer Leon St, Zene A-1-1 (Interim) C-7282 8/5/65---------------------------------- For of the Ni of the NEi: of the SE;; of the NEt- Z.A. considered the amended app of the 'Calvary Southern Baptist Church and Jeff & Sabina Bolt, owners & Calvary Southern Baptist Church, purchaser to remodel exist sing fam dwell for use as educational bldg and to const future church plant on parcel as shown on plans in the office of the Zoning Administrator, at 2285-- 95 Hollister St. at the SW cor of its intersection with Leon Ave. and has AFPROvtD conversion of the one-fam dwell to an educational bldg and installation of a park lot for 66 cars for use in connection with church on adj parcel, subj to condition that parking lot shall be installed and maintained as req in Sec. 101.0800 of the Municipal Code: with the provision that no solid fence sLall be re1. around tne parking area at this time, but fence requirement is to be reconsidered at the time the future church plant is developed A,PROVED the development of the future church plant, Zone R-1-40, Cond'l. ~ /,,,, g C.U.P. Case No. 8056 3-23-67 ~ 9-.,;J. K-7