Sec 34 T16s, R2w Card 2
SEC 34 T16S, R2W CARD 2.tif Per. et n 1/'4- Pem, ' s.. Unified Sch. 11.,. ' erec, 101 teu; at!)1'-'1i $,.___ s,_ ~t_J15,!...!-!11!.___ ~_____________ lf:!8!.. 5.7g2_____ I-~::5!___ Per. l.71ac 'flT of ~th St ot II 1/'4- Cond'l pe1"11lit,o Amoa Cendal.1. Sr. oner & Oal.Tar7 Lutheran Ch. pur. to const bldc tor church act1Titiea, 100 1 S of lledwood on W e1de of prolongation ef 53rd \, llee. lo. 5771 8-22-51 ii; i> o-.'i s 200-or n-17~---;,-;~i,ci,'j6o>;.;,.-6-.-;.-,;:..-;.-o;niait. sr:-;..-;.-; & 11;~- h'iende Ch. (A.BOU) l- Rea. Bo. 5806-1 8-22-51. /------------------------------- ~-------------- NW- Jltix~ti- Ext. of 6 mo. to. Amos Cendal.1, Sr. owner & Calvary Lutheran Ch., Res. No. 5771 ABOVE \, Res. No. 6226 2-20-52--------------------------------------...;;------- ll.7 JOO' et por ot S 200 1 of n- Bxt. et 6 ,o Jaoa Ceual.1, owner & 11rat Jrteata ____-~!--~:.l.:. l826_A:!()!Jl_&_,J.~--_____.;.__ R!,:.! 0.:..2!9__,_J-~1-_ NW- Ext. of 6 mo. to Amos Cendali & Cal vary Luth. Church, Res. No. 6226 ABOVE iii (por) Permit to Henry & Nellie Xillaa to paint oi~ paint1:::::i~r!~uet 1s ~iee & finished. pa.1nt1nge, make picture frames for own pictures, & hold max of 2 priT__ ab,2.w.!,n,1aJ>,!rJ!:,!n_h,!11!,,.-3272. ~!~8!!;8_.l.!.9!.,_J:!!11.! JO.i.!924.:. ~.!!o!.. 9!il!.__ l.,!-g6=5_g__ N 165' of W 352' SE of NE Section (Rcho_M:i.ssion Seg, Int,X- Permit to Ernest & Gertrude Alcaraz to add bedrm approx 15'x30 1 to exist res without frontage on ded st. but fronting on road used by the public, 4968 Thorn Ave. Res. No. 7602 7-~2-53