Sec 34 T16s, R2w Card 4
SEC 34 T16S, R2W CARD 4.tif SEC TI ON 34, Tl6S I R2W CARD lt4 Par- (SW)- Permit to City of San Diego to erect Fire Station /t26, W side of 54th, 85' S of Krenning St. Res. No. 7856 ll/lJ/53 Por- NWt;- P"rmit to Calvary Lutheran Church of S. D. Inc. to const parsonage to be used in connec. with exist church at 3050- 53rd S~., Zone R-1. v Case No. 2772 8/28/59..... Por- & For Lot lJ, Reho Mission Pa.rt.- Permit to City of S. D. (Pub. Wks), owner, & S. D. Youth Baseball Council, lessee, to const, maintain, & operate 5 baseball dianionds (2 Little League Fields, 2 Pony League Fields, 1 Pony Grad League, with 1 concession stand restroom facilities, scorekeeper booth & bleachers, S of Redwood St., E of 54th St., Zone R-1, condl. Case 1 yr ext to exp 12/15/ 61 / ~ ~t;,,,p /:Z-/5-(, Cj 1 yr ext to exp 12/15/62 (1,;z-1~.(., J') No. J062 1/29/60 tr.r, k/i- 1.7-M--~ (1:)--/'-f 71.,/ 1 yr. ext toexp 12/15/66 i yr ext to exp 12-15-70 (1-6-70) 1/20/63 1 yr ext to exp 12/15 / 64 /,t,,,,r-6 0.,J, 1 ~-I 5 7r.. (o--- r(t- 7 s-) 12/7 / 61--------------------------- r______:::_c_______________________________________________ For- N{of SE:',- Permit to City of San Diego to const and operate Chollas Operations Station, S side of Ryan Road, E of 56th St., Zone R-1, condl. Above approved by C. C. 163059 with 8 cond. Denied appeal of Paul H. Darrow Doc.,7613301 CUP Case 3442 8/24/60 Ext. to 5/8/61