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Sec 34 Township 16s Range 2 W Rancho Misson Card 5

SEC 34 TOWNSHIP 16S RANGE 2 W RANCHO MISSON CARD 5.tif ' < SECTION 34 TOWNSHIP 168 Range 2W Rancho Miss ion Por NWf Permit to Calvary hva.ngelical Lutheran Church of San Uiego, addn to exist church at 3050- 53rd;::,ton E 5001 of S 200 1 of that lying Wl, of the Sly prolongation of the Wly line of 53rd St. R-1 Card # 1nc. to erect classrm por of the Nwt Res 8274 6-9-54--------------------------------------------- t'or NW,,._4' CUP Permit to Calvarv Lutheran Church to const church plant, & erect illlllll bulletil t J ~, I bd sign with changeable letters.:> I:! 10' Ely end, 8 long tli: 6 1 hi,includ base; to const curved stone wall at ~ end of Sanctuary- 10 1 hi; to install metal "in" & "Out" driveway signs,max 2 sq ' each; insj,all 85 1 hi cross at E end of sanct. on "'arcel "B", lying of 53rd St R-1 cond' 1 ~ 1-l~'lt. \, CA::51 <~ 3639. 10-28-60-~ j,,:_~'..._s'Q l ~.:P!..TL0:0 ~-- EX_Js_NSIO,!l O.f J'IJ1Lf)(f LRf,S J 2=W-ll4- (J 2--L4-.83,)- "'or, Permit to City of S. D.owner, & 01tk Park Little League, lessee, to maintain exist Little League baseball par!{consist of 2 baseball diamonds, wth bleachers, dugouts, & refreshmt stand, at 5235 Maple;::,t, betw 52nd & 54th, R-1, condl. Case 3880 2-24-61----------------------------------------------- For. & Portion of Lot 13, Part. of Rancho ~ission- Permit to City of S. D., own; S. D. Youth Baseball Council, less, to canst, maintain, oper 5 baseball diamonds (2 Little League fields 2 pony leagie fields 8, 1 Pony Grad League, one concession stand, rstroom, scorekpr booth & blchrs, S of Redwood St,,E of 54th St, R-1, Cond'l Case 3062 1-29-60-----------------------------------------------~------------------0---------- Ext. (ABOVE) (additional conditions) 4-11-61 ~ "-------------------------------------------------------------------------- z Por. Case 3880 ext. to Dec. 15, 1962 Cond 1 l ~ / /-!:.->:.!:.~_C:f..!.YfJ:_7)t!_~-:::__;!:q_~L-LeZ.:~~:.f.~-~~~~~1.:i..f;;:.--"-f-~~3~:~~---! Kt- Ext. to City of s. D., owner; ~dwood Village Little League for 1 year AID to coastr /. fl aaiatain 14x25t block concessiOQ-. st,rutnu fl locker l'll:11 betv H.....- M. & JlJaai~,f I j,f,.FXT, To F/? 1_2-1,--r:,3 {/ o-/,=-{!__}_-~ ~-~.l4_!_D' If, t=l_T-:ro F(,P o.t.z-:5:_-fa$ 3/'lJi~?i IJ'f