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Development Services

Sec 35 Portion T16s, R2w

SEC 35 PORTION T16S, R2W.tif \3 PORTION Sec. 35 1 T16S, R2W The Z.A. has aonsidered the appl of Time Development Corporation for perm to erect and. maintain for a period of two yrs. two 8 1 x 20' x 12' high, single-faced, indent signs advert new apartment complex obs 0 1 street sideyrd, where 10 1 is req, and where one 160 sq. ft. subd mpa, at the northwest cor of Hwy. 94 and College Grove Way in the R-4 Zone, and has DENIED maintenance of signs for a period of two years, but APPROVED construction and maintenance of the signs as req for a period not to exceed one year, ~~~~~=-~L'.tx'~_-23{2i2_Z.:~:?.?) ~~f+'.;1;t2:lJi2PB)__________ ~,/;, o//- ~/- 7S(!-7- 7S) Por Lot 13- z. A. considered the req of Allstate Van& Stge Co, Owner & Time Dev. Pur, to contr 160 unit apt complex prov total 249 pkg spaces, three 4-space carport & 49 open spaces to obs at closest pit 5' st sideyd on Hwy 94 R/W where 10' req, on College G Grove Way at Hwy 94 betw Ryan Rd & Hgy 94, Zone R-4, anad after consideration of facts, DENIED all carports enc into st sideyd & has DENIED open parking spaces to obs req 5' st sideyd but APPROVED them obs 7' st sideyd, cond' 1 C- II 429 9- 1- 72