Sec 35 T18s, R2w Card 4
SEC 35 T18S, R2W CARD 4.tif Sec, 35 1 T. 181 S. 1 R. 2 1 W. 7) Cardil4 Por.- Robezrt. S. & Eva H. Tracy to const sing farn res on 5.76 acres with exist sing fam res, 1685 Howard Lane, Zone A-1-5. Agreement No. 1539 4-24-68;~~z;;~i~~:~=i1~1tlo~::::i!~~~-~ft';-;J~a~ix;r;;rr-e:i117s7,-~a.;-;~~;- over exist loading dock of exist nonconform vegetable packing shed used to pack produce not raised on the prem; (b) erect chain link fence around property 6 1 in ht; Por W of SW of NE Sec 35, TliS, R2W, per legal on file; at 567 Vista Lane, betw Dairy Mart Rd & s. D. & Arizona RR row, Zone A-1-10 Interim; Condl. Cas, No. 8670 6-3-68 Por w sw NE- Permit to South Bay Growers, Inc. to constr office & restroom a.ddn to exist non-conforming vegetable packing shed used to pack produce not raised on premises, obs an 8 1 6 11 interior side yd where 20' is req at 567 Vista Lane betw Dairy Mart Rd. & Beyer Way, Zone A-1-10 (Interim), condl , rO,C~739 3-lQ-70_ff__--~ >.:_.,:-_,r_~!.,_f::~;:. z_sl_U.tL-4 ~...0~--_1c,:-_3.:Ji~L- <-b=J.=i.-1!.~;,)---___________ Por NE- Permit GRANTED to Dale Building Co. to const & opera 184.res unit planned unit dev. located Sly of proposed State HighWay 275, Ely of proposed Del Sur Bivd., in the A-1-10:n~,!~_WJ~~-~~ JJ~nj~)'________________________ Case#255-PC___ 6-15-7~..---_ Por- Permit to Velce Investment Co. to constr & operate an automobile servlce sta~ion wltn Accessory sales, located on tne west side of Dairy Mart Road betw San Ysidro Blvd and I-5, Zone A-1-5. 355-PC ko e3,..._,1,- /k,_,, Amended- 11-16-72 I /-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,