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Development Services

Sec 36 Twp 18s, R2w Card 2

SEC 36 TWP 18S, R2W CARD 2.tif SECT.ION 36. TWP. 18S,' R2W ~....-.........., -.,..:J CARD #j Porti.on of Southeast 1/4- Permit GRANTED to GERALD HANDLER, an individual, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a planned residential development located on the east side of East Beyer Boulevard and south of Beyer Boulevard, Zone R-1-5. PRD #20-240-0 11-1-82 Portion- RESOLUTION is APPROVED for Hermanos Lopez, Inc., for a Planned Commercial Development at the NW corner of Alaquinas Drive and Beyer Boulevard in conjuction with a proposed rezone case No. 87-1072. Property now Rl-5000, proposed Zone CA-RR. Resolution No. 271935 Sept. 20, 1988