See-Ryan Tract Card 1
SEE-RYAN TRACT CARD 1.tif SEE-RYAN TRACT Lot 1- Permit to Frank Turpie & D.J. Davies, own & Standard Oil Co. of Calif., lessee to erect one post-mounted, illuminated 142 sq ft, 29' hi sign, post obs 11' SB, edge of sign obs O' SB & 4 lighting standards obs l' SB; 2 of the light standards to be located in planting strip & sign to overhang planting strip; where 25' SB is estab on subd map & 10' planting strip adj to public streets is req at SW cor of Armour St. & Kearney Mesa Rd., Zone M-lA. c-4923 & 25 5-28-62 Lot 6- Permit to James B. Hawthorne, to const industr bldg encr 11' into req 11' wide side yd on Wly side, Boll Armour St. betw Balboa Ave. & Othello St., Zone M-lA, condl c-7386 10-21-65 Lot J.B. Hawthorne-and t,tyrtle-c. Hawttiorne-to-constr_an_induatrialbiag.- obs a 20' SB where 25' is estab at 8011 Arm.our St. betw Convoy St and Kea_;ny Mesa Rd Zone M-lA. c-1o630 R.H. 7-7-71 Lot 6- Permit DENIED Hawthorne Machinery Co. (J. T. Hawthorne) to erect one 15' x 7' double-faced interior illuminated, ID sign overall ht. 23'; pole to obs 6 1 811 setback and front ed~e of sign to obs O I setback w!Nce 25' is es tab; pole to encroach 3 '3" & edge of sign to encroach JO' into req 10' planting strip- 8011 Armour St betw Convoy & Mercury Sts. Zone M-lA. C-11046 2-23-72-------------------------------------------------------------------------------.----