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Development Services

Sentinel Center (Formerly Mission Valley Professinal Center) Card 1

SENTINEL CENTER (FORMERLY MISSION VALLEY PROFESSINAL CENTER) CARD 1.tif T"T" r-:~ SENTINEL CENTER (FORMERLY MISSION VALLEY p~E,c)~ENs) ')..a CARD itl Lot 4- Permit to Sentinel Savings & Loan Association, owner, & Vista Theatres, Inc., lessee to instal,l &.. maintain landscaping strip 5' wide on private property and 4i' wide on public property adj to Camino de la Reina where 10 1 wide planting strip on private property is re- quired, in 1900 block Camino Del Rio North, 1000 1 east of Camino Del Este, Zone C-lA, condl. Case No. 6914 1/15/65--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 4- Permit to Sentinel Savings & Loan Assoc., owner & Vista Theatres, Inc., lessee to maintain exist. structure with NE cor obs 10.6' SB from Camino De La Reina, where 151 is req., at 1904 Camino Del Rio North, C-lA lone. Case No. 6965 1/25/65 ~ Lot 3- Permit to Jonathon Manor, Inc. to const office & specialty commercial building on par furnishing ratio of usable parking area to building area of l.85 sq. ft. parking for each l sq. ft. bldg., where} sq. ft. parking for each 1 sq. ft. of building area is req., on Camino Del Rio betw Camino Del Este & Sandrock Rd., lone C-lA. 6 mos ext. to exp. 3-2-65 (9-2-64) Case No. 6}04 3-9-64-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------