Sentinel Center (Formerly Mission Valley Professinal Center) Card 2
SENTINEL CENTER (FORMERLY MISSION VALLEY PROFESSINAL CENTER) CARD 2.tif SENTINEL CENTER (FOH.1.ErlLY MISSION v'ALLEY PROFK,SIONAL CENTER) Q__ C\_ CARD l'J, Lot 5- The Z. A. considered the applicat~;:~ Savings & Loan Assoc, owner & Standard' Oil Co. of Calif. to (Case No. 6976- Erect an automobile service station with bldg obs 21 SB from Camino de la Reina & 51 x)6 1 plastic interior lighted sign, obs j 1 SB from Camino del Rio North where 10 1 SB is req; and with flood light poles obs 2 1 SB from Camino del North, where 10 1 is req.), (Case N0 6977- ~rect an automobile service station with bldg proj 8 1 into req 10 1 landscape strip adj to Camino de la n.eina & sign proj 7' over req landscape area adj to Camino del ilio North, with j 1 & 71 wide landscaping strip to be maintained adj to Camino del North w~re 10 1 is req.) and(Case No, 6923- Erect an 8 1 high masonry wall on front porp line adj Camino de la Reina, area to be back- filled to top of wall on private property resulting in 8 1 hi&1 ret wall where II1'UC 6 1 high wall is perm.)-- at 2200 block Camino del Rio North, on So side of Camino de la Reina, 1000 1 east of Camino del Este, Zone C-lA, and has DENIED the re~ to erect the 5 1 x)6 1 sign obs.:, 1 SB from Camino del North & proj 7' over the req landscape area, but has APPROVED the bldg obs 2 1 SB from Camino de la Reina & proj 8 1 into the req landscaped area adj to Camino de la Reina, APPROVED the floodlight poles obs 2 1 SB from Gamino del ilio North, APPROVED the j 1 & 71 wide landscaping strip adj to Camino del Rio North, & APPROVED the 8 1 high masonry wall on the front prop line adj Camino de la Reina, condl. Cases No. 6923, 6976 & 6977 J/1/65 Lot 1, Map 5505-Variance request for 2120 Camino del Rio North abandoned and expired due to inactivity and time, per J. Flynn, 10/10/86 C-18000---------------------------------------------------------------------------------