Seven Inns Subdivision Card 1
SEVEN INNS SUBDIVISION CARD 1.tif --FT SEVEN INNS SUBDIVISION t Card # I viot 1- Permit to Hotel Circle, Inc. to const restaurant for use in connection with 99-unit motel, restaurant to encroach 9 1-6 11 into req 23 1 sideyard; 200 blk Hotei Circle, aaj to & east of Town & Country Motel, Zone R-5, condl. Amended lighted Case No. 7550 to include erection of 600 sq. ft., double-faced, free-standing, sign encroaching 14' into req 23 1 side yard, subj to same cond. Case No. 7550 68 1 1/27/66 high, interior._.,,/' 2/11/66 v Lot 1- Permit to Hotel Circle, Inc. to erect approx 600 sq. ft. double faced, free stand- ing, 68 1 high, interior lighted sign advertising perrrj_tted uses of premises where a 100 sq. ft., 40 1 high, free standing sign is permittad (Sec C-7550); to eli,-r,inate required 10 1 planting strip along Hotel Circle & provide req landscaping on public property; sign to en- croach 20 1 into req 30' SB & 14 1 into req 23' sideyd, in 200 block Hotel Circle Adj to & east of Town & Country, Zone R-5, eondl. Case No. 7554 2/JJ,,/66 /--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1- Permit to Hotel Circle, Inc. to erect 600 sc1, ft. double faced, free standing, 68 1 high, interior lighted sign encroaching 20 1 into estab 30 1 SB (See C-7554), in 200 block Hotel Circle adj to Town & Country, Zone R-5, concll. Case No. 7584 2/14/66----------------------------------------------~-----------------------Lot 1- See Case No. 7550 for part.icularsl Case Nos. 7550, 7554 & 7584 4/6/66---------------------------------------------------------------------------